
Your employer branding partner

In order to describe the added value of a branding strategy, it must first be clear what it means. Employer branding can best be summarized as how an organization is perceived by its current and potential employees and the way it attracts and retains the best employees. It also involves companies establishing their company values, work culture, and personality to ensure the ideal candidates are aligned with their aspirations and thus share the same vision of the company.

Shortage in the labor market in relation to employer branding

The current labor market is clear that organizations must give top priority to employer branding. Viewing your potential employers as customers, can lead to a successful recruiting campaign.

Finding and connecting suitable candidates requires efforts from you as a company, and especially now where the labor market is quite tight. More and more companies are faced with short-staffed and want to fill their vacancies as quickly as possible. Job seekers take their time to make a well-considered choice and have more wishes and requirements, making it very competitive. Organizations that recognize these motives can anticipate the wishes of these candidates and invest more in sustainable collaboration. Transparency and clarity about the company’s mission, colleagues, work culture, and employment conditions can give candidates more attention to your job vacancies.

The better you are at showing what makes your company more attractive, the better you are at getting more attention from potential employees thus attracting the best people in your organization and at the same time retaining your current employees so your business operations are not affected.  To be ahead of the recruitment process, learn more about the people you want to hire, for instance, what do they find important?  And to what extent can you offer attract potential employees.  For example, are you regularly looking for young ambitious people at a higher vocational education level? Consider, for example, offering support for personal and professional development. Is your target group flexible with its working hours? Try to set up your organization in such a way that there is a positive work-life balance. It is important here that you monitor the balance between what you can (and want) to change within your company and what kind of candidates you want to attract.

More information about employer branding

Best Career Pages to inspire

Do you want to attract the best staff for your organization? Then consider building an inspired career page. We help you through 8 steps to achieve a good career page.

Step 1: Provide a separate page

A careers page works best if it is separated from the current website. The main purpose of the career page is to recruit applicants. This page presents the best possible picture of you as an employer.

Step 2: Establish your employer brand

With a career page you have the chance to show your employer branding. This concerns the core values ​​of your company: What do you stand for and what makes your organization unique? Vacancy videos in which candidates can be seen can also help. Sharing personal photos and videos on the careers page is always good advice. It gives a picture of your company and who works there. For instance, show photos of your employees instead of standard and paid stock photos. Photos and/or videos of the team can outstand your company’s work culture. In the vacancy description, you can clearly state what responsibilities you expect from the potential candidate.

Step 3. Make your website look professional

The website is like your business card, choose a nice and creative design for the careers page and make sure that colors and layouts are reflected smoothly according to your website so that your design is kept balanced.

Step 4: Write effective content

It is important to maintain the right tone when writing the texts. How do you want to address your target audience? Formal or informal?

Step 5: Don’t rule out open applications

It is possible that no suitable vacancy is available. Indicate on the website that it is also possible to send an open application.

Step 6: Provide a clear purpose website that is understandable for the visitors

Of course, you want your career page to be smooth and easy to find for potential job vacancies and candidates. Please indicate this clearly on the website. Don’t hide the careers page far away from the menu. A website visitor will click on it faster when navigating your website and where everything is clear and easy to find.

Step 7: Measure your results

Measuring the performance metrics determines your website’s effectiveness. Get as much as insights possible into the number of applicants and the period for which the applicants apply. Even better, take a look at your overall traffic, the way they find you, and through which channels your visitors/applicants navigate your website. Additionally, online campaigns can increase the number of applicants.

Step 8: Monitor changes and test if your website works

Does the job application form work properly? Are all images and photos visible? Can all boxes and requirements be checked? Can all fields be easily filled in? Make sure that you test your website and consider the importance of checking that everything works.


For an optimal end result, it is important that Sterk in Matches receives input from you, as an employer, therefore we provide these (8) key essential steps to be carefully monitored by Sterk in Matches. Don’t worry, we will guide you through these steps to make your recruitment process and  landing page of your career page is creative and well balanced.

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